Walking Dress Jacket 1899 s1899_2.gif This dress may be reproduced in cloth, serge, tweed, or coating. The skirt may be made to the pattern presented with this Part; it is trimmed up each side the front with braid and buttons. One of our coupon patterns is for the smart walking jacket, quite one of the newest styles of the season. It is lined throughout with silk, and trimmed with braid. The pattern consists of seven pieces, front, back, two side pieces, two pieces of sleeve, and revers. The left front is cut the same as the right, except that it has not the pointed piece crossing the centre of front; it must therfore be cut straight up the front without this piece, as indicated by the dotted line in diagram No.69. The lining is cut to the same pattern as cloth. The fronts as far as the bust should be faced with canvas or stiffish muslin. The edges of basque also should be turned up over the same. The seams should be carefully pressed, but not boned. Sew on the braid before the silk lining is put in, otherwise the stitches will show through the lining, and look untidy. Cut the revers and turn-over collar in double cloth, and interline with canvas; then face with broche or braid, with a close pattern in narrow braid. Sew in position to the neck of jacket before the lining is put in. Make up the lining, then put it inside the jacket, seams turnings inside; fell neatly to the turned-up edge of cloth. Turn up the wrists of sleeves over canvas, then trim with braid; put the lining inside, fell the edge over turned-up edge of wrist, sew the cloth part of sleeve into the armhole, draw the lining up over the seam, and then fell it down. The fronts are fastened by three buttons sewn on the left side, and three buttonholes worked in the edge of pointed piece crossing the front. MATERIALS REQUIRED: 2 yards 48 inches wide, 6 yards braid, 5 yards silk, 3 buttons. A full vest of soft white silk is worn under the jacket. ------ brought to you by La Couturière Parisienne (webmistress @marquise.de) http://www.marquise.de and given as a Pattern Exchange item by Valerie.